Blog Posts tagged with: 'dotnet'
Tracking a memory leak using .NET tools
Previously, we looked at some tools we can use to collect a memory dump file which can be used for analysis. This posts follows on from that one. Let's continue.
Debugging Docker containers running .NET
Ever had a memory leak and wanted to diagnose it? Luckily there are some free tools from Microsoft that you can install and use!
Building Blazor WebAssembly project with Docker in .NET 5
Blazor is a new ASP.NET framework feature which lets you build interactive web applications. Currently there isn't any Visual Studio IDE option for Docker and WebAssembly only hosted projects. But we can get around this by creating our own Dockerfile to build the project and serve the static files using nginx.
MassTransit Consumer configuration in .NET 5
In this post I'll show how to register a consumer using the AddConsume() method and have a separate class for the consumer definition so it can be configured individually.
IHostedService in .NET Core
Let's have a look and understand the relationship between IHostedService and IHost and how we can use them in our solutions.